WiCAN is a powerful CAN adapter based on ESP32-C3 that can be used for car hacking and general CAN bus development. It is available in two form factors: OBD-II and standard USB-CAN. The original firmware can interact directly with RealDash using Wi-Fi or BLE, which allows you to create custom dashboards with beautiful graphics. It is available for Android, iOS, and Windows 10. WiCAN connects to your existing Wi-Fi network and any device on that network, and it allows you to configure Wi-Fi and CAN settings through a built-in web interface. Both versions have a power saving mode that detects when the voltage drops below 13 V or other preset values. When this power saving mode is enabled, WiCAN is able to enter sleep mode, reducing the current consumption to less than 1 mA.
ADALM2000 is a 9-in-1 portable test and measurement instrument launched by ADI.
My initial idea for the "Badminton Training Device" project was to sense the form and intensity of the racket swing, whether it hit the badminton and where it was hit, etc., record the quality of all swings after a game, and combine it with the host computer to make a badminton shot. Play the practice analysis system. The MLC and FSM modules in LSM6DSOX can analyze and identify actions, which greatly reduces the data processing requirements of the MCU and can save resources to complete prompt or record functions.