This is a very simple open source scanning laser rangefinder. It uses triangulation. Its components cost less than $35 (excluding shipping). This lidar is very useful in robotics - for SLAM and navigation tasks.
Ultra-simple Hall sensor speed measurement, the value is displayed on the 16x02 LCD display
The three-phase power meter reference design is used to measure and record active and reactive energy in directly connected three-phase networks. It is pre-certified to the European EN50470-1, EN50470-3, Class B and Class C, and IEC 62053-21 and IEC 62052-11 international standards for active energy class 2 and class 1 electronic meters.
The Sub-μA Current Sensor is a Kinetis K22F based current measurement board running on FreeRTOS and can be used with the Freedom Development Ecosystem or any other Arduino-like development board.
This reference design allows for non-intrusive connection between any MCU and a 3.3V shield and measurement of a wide range of low currents (~60 nA – 5 mA). Multiple communication methods are available, including integration with Freedom Sensor Toolbox (CE).
2 Layers PCB 8.941 x 60.782 mm FR-4, 1.6 mm, 1, HASL with lead, Green Solder Mask, White silkscreen;
Based on ESP32, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
It's common for computer users to bend over in front of a screen, which can eventually lead to back problems. There are various gadgets on the market that solve this problem by constantly reminding users to sit up straight, but most of them are not fun. So I made a fun little tool for this problem.
PixArt PMW3360DM-T2QU optical mouse sensor breakout board that can operate at 1.8V or 3.3V voltage levels.
Can measure DC/AC voltage, DC/AC current, resistance, inductance, capacitance, diode, frequency. Built-in 16bit ADC, digital filter, RMS effective value circuit and peak hold circuit. Multimeter control unit integrated with microcontroller, officially launched reference design kit, powered by button battery, including schematic diagram.
MiniQ is a mini quadcopter that is open source from hardware design to control algorithm. The algorithm used for the Altitude Heading Reference System (AHRS) is the DCM complementary filter. The system calculates the height and controls the output PWM of the four motors 1600 times per second. It can be controlled remotely via Bluetooth (Bluetooth Serial Port Profile).