Total of 14 lessons3 hours and 24 minutes and 45 seconds
Total of 249 lessons2 days and 18 hours and 7 minutes and 44 seconds
IoT vehicle application practical video tutorial
Total of 17 lessons4 hours and 31 minutes and 10 seconds
Huawei IOT Internet of Things Video Tutorial
Total of 146 lessons1 days and 9 hours and 4 minutes and 47 seconds
Open source PWM robot arm (STM32 version) video tutorial
Total of 38 lessons8 hours and 13 minutes and 54 seconds
Digital logic and integrated circuit design are important professional basic courses for electronic information, computer and other majors. Based on the content of the traditional "Digital Logic Circuit Design" course, this course adds EDA design technology for building more complex digital systems from simple combinations and sequential digital circuit modules.
Total of 23 lessons2 hours and 35 minutes and 17 seconds
Huijing 51 microcontroller video tutorial
Total of 69 lessons1 days and 13 hours and 17 minutes and 52 seconds
micro bit introductory application video tutorial
Total of 20 lessons2 hours and 34 minutes and 52 seconds
Comments on the 2020 EDA Classic New Thinking Questions
Total of 1 lessons22 minutes and 56 seconds
The "Programmable ASIC Design" course is a practical course focusing on the development of field programmable gate array (FPGA) device design methods. With the development of integrated circuits, programmable ASIC design has become a necessary means for experimental and practical courses on digital circuit systems and digital signal processing. The course study focuses on the development of the popular DE series motherboards at home and abroad. It teaches the internal resource structure of FPGA, carries out the study of Verilog HDL language, and uses EDA software such as QuartusII to carry out case study of digital logic circuits, signal processing and SOPC system design.
Total of 32 lessons6 hours and 26 minutes and 44 seconds
ESP8266 SDK development: Detailed explanation of ESP8266_NONOS-SDK programming device access to IoT platform: Detailed explanation of IoT protocol MQTT/[BAT] IoT platform
Total of 67 lessons10 hours and 24 minutes and 57 seconds
The "Computer Network" course is divided into three units: "Making the Best Use of Computer Networks", "Exploring the Mysteries of Computer Networks" and "Computer Networks Are Surrounded by Crisis".
Total of 120 lessons1 days and 12 hours and 33 minutes and 59 seconds
Total of 76 lessons1 days and 15 hours and 55 minutes and 37 seconds
The purpose of this "Understanding the Mysterious Face of Uboot" course is to help you understand the concepts and related hardware involved in the system startup part of embedded development step by step through the analysis of the entire process of an excellent bootloader software. principle. Including CP15, UART, DDR2 and other device information that must be mastered for system startup.
Total of 73 lessons1 days and 36 minutes and 23 seconds
Why is embedded microprocessor architecture design so complicated?
Total of 1 lessons19 minutes and 5 seconds
Total of 29 lessons21 hours and 14 minutes and 47 seconds
At present, with the emergence of high-performance FPGA, FPGA is almost omnipotent in the design of digital systems and is widely used in various fields of digital products. FPGA technology has the characteristics of low development cost and fast time to market. As long as the corresponding development software is installed and a set of simple development boards are available, innovative designs can be carried out. This provides innovative individuals and small companies with a chance to survive.
Total of 14 lessons7 hours and 33 minutes and 56 seconds
INF infinite rotor open course
Total of 3 lessons3 hours and 11 minutes and 8 seconds
Black gold ZYNQ FPGA video tutorial
Total of 67 lessons22 hours and 15 minutes and 31 seconds
Compilation process, program composition, compilation tool chain, miscellaneous files, elf files, hex_bin_htm files, map files, sct files, experimental-sct file applications
Total of 9 lessons1 days and 1 hours and 14 minutes and 25 seconds
The operating system is the core system software in the computer system that is responsible for managing various software and hardware resources, and provides a good environment for application software to run. Mastering the basic principles of operating systems and their core technologies is a basic requirement for undergraduate computer science graduates from research-oriented universities. This course is a core course for computer majors. It uses mainstream operating systems as examples and the teaching operating system ucore as the experimental environment. It teaches the concepts, basic principles and implementation techniques of operating systems, and prepares students for the research and development of operating system software and the full use of operations. System functions to lay a solid foundation for application software research and development.
Total of 128 lessons1 days and 5 hours and 17 minutes and 12 seconds
The course emphasizes the study of computer systems from the perspective of "overall structure and quantitative analysis", and masters the basic concepts and development history of computer architecture, quantitative analysis methods of computer system performance, design methods of typical instruction systems, architecture and performance optimization methods of instruction pipelines, Storage hierarchy, Cache design and performance optimization methods, understand the input and output system performance and reliability optimization methods, multi-processor system and cluster system architecture, key technologies and main influencing factors of the current mainstream new computer architecture, etc. Discuss in detail the quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, design methods and research methods of computer system structure. The course focuses on deepening students' cognitive ability of the "overall system", effectively enhancing students' computer system design, optimization, and evaluation capabilities, and emphasizing the core concepts of balanced and compromised system design and quantitative thinking methods.
Total of 73 lessons14 hours and 6 minutes and 23 seconds
This course is a professional basic course for information and electronic engineering and related computer majors. The course includes processor RISC-V instruction set, addressing mode, data types, assembly language, processor microstructure, controller and pipeline, storage system, cache , virtual storage, multi-processor and parallel technology, system design performance evaluation and software and hardware co-design methods, etc.
Total of 34 lessons7 hours and 9 minutes and 48 seconds
Operating system is one of the most active subjects in the field of computer science and technology, so the operating system course is naturally a core professional basic course in this major. The content of the operating system course integrates basic theoretical teaching, practical teaching, and tracking of the latest technology. The importance of operating system courses requires that the teaching content must be both basic and forward-looking, as well as interesting and fashionable to stimulate students' interest in learning.
Total of 61 lessons1 days and 3 hours and 23 minutes and 8 seconds
Wildfire Electronics i.MX Linux Development Practical Guide Video Tutorial
Total of 170 lessons1 days and 22 hours and 59 minutes and 34 seconds
Based on Xilinx's Artix-7FPGA device and a variety of entry-level and advanced peripherals. The video has a total of 37 lessons, with a total duration of about 800 minutes. It provides some typical engineering examples to help learners learn from FPGA basic knowledge, logic design concepts, tool configuration and use, design source code writing, design functional principles, simulation verification, and board-level design. Gain a solid grasp of FPGA development in aspects such as debugging and debugging.
Total of 38 lessons12 hours and 54 minutes and 18 seconds
Wildfire Journey Series Development Board Supporting Video Tutorial
Total of 175 lessons2 days and 22 hours and 48 minutes and 2 seconds
The main contents of "Operating System Principles" include: process management, memory management, device management, file system and other core contents. Through theoretical study and practical sessions, students can master the structure and design of operating systems, analyze and design simple operating systems, and lay a solid theoretical foundation for scientific research and engineering research and development. Through practical teaching sessions, students can initially master the ability to read, analyze and tailor existing open source operating systems; have the foundation to design, implement, and develop small or simplified operating systems; cultivate large-scale programming methods and skills, and improve students' programming clarity , reasonable and readable system program. The course explanations are conceptually clear, rich in content, easy to understand, and highly practical and practical. There are a large number of exercises and open-ended thinking questions after each chapter, as well as a large number of targeted computer programming experiments after class.
Total of 66 lessons14 hours and 17 minutes and 19 seconds