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2022 Digi-Key KOL Series: Have you ever seen a 1GHz microcontroller? Teensy 4.1 development board introduction

Total of 1 lesson ,10 minutes and 57 seconds

In the domestic DIY circle, Microchip 's AVR microcontroller ( Arduino ) and ST 's STM32 microcontroller are currently widely used. Relatively speaking, NXP 's microcontroller is used less. The speaker in this video will take you to learn about an NXP microcontroller board with amazing performance , which is the Teensy 4.1 development board based on NXP i.MX RT1070 . Compared with the common Arduino development board, the 1GHz main frequency and rich on-chip resources enable it to complete tasks that are unimaginable for ordinary microcontrollers. Currently, the price of this product on digikey.cn is better than that on other platforms. Interested netizens can >> go to the purchase experience

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