[b][color=#5E7384]This content is originally created by [size=3]tiankai001[/size], a user of EEWORLD forum. If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's conse
Special offer for sale F45/HP8720/8970B/HP346B Sales Department: Tan Chunhui (Manager) Mobile: 13242054800 QQ; 275677263 FAX: 0755-28532770 E-mail: twtosstar17@126.com http://www.yt5117.com Taiwan Aos
How much enthusiasm do you have for the sensor market this year? I work on photosensors, or illuminance sensors, which are used in the LED lighting market. The recent market chaos and the lack of stan
I want an expert to design a continuity test device to test whether the two ends of the product are conductive. When the resistance at both ends of the product is less than 80 ohms, the buzzer will al