Dear seniors, how can I modify the 15 bytes that the zigbee serial port gives to the PC so that two signals can be displayed on TI's sensor monitor? Now one node can only display one signal?
1. Communication distance: 1000m;
2. Data rate above 100kb/s;
3. Full-duplex;
4. Support multiple channels to be used simultaneously;
5. SPI interface or UART interface
6. Do not build in MAC protocol
[font=黑体][size=5]I've been working on a DS1302 clock recently, but the values I read are very abnormal. The problems are as follows: [/size] [size=5]1. The time changes slower than normal (the mobile
[i=s] This post was last edited by accboy on 2014-8-21 11:42 [/i] SIMPLE SWITCHER is translated into Chinese as Easy Power Supply. It is a very easy-to-control power chip. [size=14px] Compared with th