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Digital Logic and Integrated Circuit Design (ASIC Design)

Total of 23 lessons ,2 hours and 35 minutes and 17 seconds

Digital logic and integrated circuit design are important professional basic courses for electronic information, computer and other majors. Based on the content of the traditional "Digital Logic Circuit Design" course, this course adds EDA design technology for building more complex digital systems from simple combinations and sequential digital circuit modules.

The purpose of this course is to enable students to:

1. Master the basic theory, analysis and design methods of digital logic circuits, as well as the design, simulation verification and testing methods of digital integrated circuits;

2. Understand the circuit structure of digital devices and programmable logic devices. On the basis of the structure and functions of integrated circuit chips, master the characterization and description methods of digital device external characteristics, logical relationships, as well as logic simplification and circuit optimization methods;

3. At the same time, understand the design and application methods of simple RISC processors, and be more proficient in using hardware The description language describes the digital circuit system and uses tool software to design, simulate and synthesize the digital circuit system.


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