This course is a motor control course based on STM32 taught by Hard Rock Technology, including DC brush motor control, PID closed-loop controller, servo control, stepper motor drive and control, DC brushless motor drive and control, etc.
100"; if (reset='1' or jian='1' or jia='1') then i:=4; 1100100; if (reset='1' or jian='1' or jia='1') then 0:=4; 1213133534555555555695000000000000000000000000001100100) 12213133534555555556950 ... re
TO Moderator:What is the ambient temperature in which STM8 can work?I have measured the highest temperature, which can reach 150 degrees, and some are 130 degrees.
[i=s]This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 20:02[/i] Mr. Tan Jun, President of ARM China, has delved into the "Apple Core" and stood on the "Industry Ball", using two new perspectiv
My bsp contains stepldr and eboot. I want to run eboot. However, after burning stepldr.nb1 into flash, dnw displays garbled characters! ! ! ! This is the initial code of the serial port: void Uart_Ini
I just came into contact with the F7 board recently. I transplanted the program on the previous STM32F407 board to the F746, and found that the running speed of the F746 is not as fast as that of the
I have studied the communication process of WsnDemo in ASF these days, and I will give you a brief analysis for your reference. First, let's look at the main program file main.c. The main program of W