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Wiring of automated instruments against common mode interference

Source: InternetPublisher:同住地球村 Keywords: Wiring automated instruments common mode interference BSP Updated: 2021/03/03

57.<strong>Automated instrumentation</strong><strong>Wiring</strong> to resist <strong>common mode interference</strong>.gif

Anti-common mode interference wiring of automated instruments.
    If the output signal of each single instrument is very stable, the system has also dealt with DC isolation. However, after the connection,
the signal collected and reflected by the host computer is not very stable. This is mainly due to various factors. The isolation point is not processed for common working frequency, so
the amount of common-mode interference generated during the signal transmission process exceeds the anti- common-mode interference capability of the host computer acquisition card. For this purpose, a capacitor can be used to connect the low-potential end of each instrument
output to the signal ground wire of the acquisition card.





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