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How to deal with challenges in switching power supply design

Total of 1 lesson ,36 minutes and 31 seconds

Power supply is the most important part of advocating the concept of green energy saving. Improving the efficiency of power supply and reducing unnecessary energy consumption without losing user experience is the greatest contribution to green energy saving and environmental protection. With the continuous improvement of energy efficiency levels and the popularization of new technologies such as electric vehicles, the design of high-efficiency power systems and efficient and high-reliability charging systems has gradually become a very important link in many electronic products and technologies, determining the success or failure of the final product. . The 10th Green Power Supply and Power Management Technology Symposium hopes to create a platform for power technology engineers to have close contact with power semiconductor manufacturers and help engineers solve various practical problems encountered in the design process of high-efficiency power supplies and charging systems. Wang Yuewei, industry channel power electronics development manager of Tektronix China, gave a wonderful speech at this meeting on how to deal with challenges in switching power supply design.

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