Timing and signaling are critical factors in external memory design. Altera's new memory controller and UniPHY further improve systems by enabling higher clock data rates, reduced latency, ease of use, ease of debugging, voltage and temperature (VT) tracking, and PLL/DLL sharing. performance. In the demonstration, you will learn about the design flow, how to initialize the memory controller, and design and debug it.
Hello everyone, when I load the SDIO device driver, it always returns NULL when calling pAdapter->hDevice = SDGetDeviceHandle((DWORD)pAdapter->ActivePath, NULL);. What is the reason? Is there anyone f
I am going to design a product recently and need to buy a core and ask the manufacturer to design it. I would like to ask: Which microcontrollers have open cores?
Abstract: With the purpose of remote control of lighting equipment in large places, this paper introduces the software and hardware design of the remote lighting control box system based on the SST89C
I'm working on a video capture and compression project recently. Since I have no experience in this area, I would like to ask you a few questions! I'm using the S3C2440 development board and the USB c