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  • Mixer principle and circuit 3
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  • Duration:42 minutes and 20 seconds
  • Date:2019/03/24
  • Uploader:JFET
This course mainly studies the working principles and composition of each unit of sending and receiving equipment in communication systems, as well as the working principles, typical circuits and analysis methods of various unit circuits that constitute sending and receiving equipment. It should be noted that in nonlinear electronic circuits, in order to achieve the same function, different circuit forms are used due to different index requirements. In addition, even if the circuit is of the same form, if its working status, input signal properties, level, output filter characteristics, etc. are different, the functions implemented will be different. Therefore, we must pay attention to mastering the basic principles of various functional circuits, the characteristics and applicable occasions of different circuits, and grasping the internal connections and commonalities of each functional circuit.
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