As people's demand for data transmission rates grows, lightwave transmission systems become more and more advanced, and device designers and manufacturers must maximize the performance of their products to meet the growing demand. Optical communication engineers often use bit error rate and eye diagram to measure the performance of optical communication devices. However, the bit error rate or eye diagram is usually used to measure system performance, and it is difficult to use the bit error rate to measure the performance of each device that makes up the system. Therefore, high-speed lightwave device analyzers are applied to the analysis of lightwave devices to characterize device performance. In addition, high test accuracy, high linear dynamic range adjustable laser sources, optical power meters and optical polarization control analysis are also required. A series of advanced optical communication test instruments such as the instrument can achieve rapid construction, improve the convenience of system integration, and reduce the total test cost.
# Lichee RV 86 PANEL Review (1) - Unboxing and Display As luck would have it, the school was locked down due to close contact after the goods were shipped. When the goods arrived, the school was still
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