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(FPGA Experiment 5): Verilog HDL language digital tube clock (hours, minutes, seconds)
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This post was last edited by bqgup on 2019-4-26 19:51 Digital tube clock written in Verilog HDL language module smg( input ext_clk_50M, inout reg div_clk_1K, output reg[7:0]wei_xuan, output reg[7:0]duan_xuan ); reg [31:0]cnt; reg [31:0]cnt1;//time reg div_clk_1Hz; reg [7:0]sec; reg [7:0]min; reg [7:0]h; reg [2:0]duan_num; always [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=775551]@[/url] (posedge ext_clk_50M)//scan clk if(cnt == 32'd10_000) begin cnt <= 32'd0; div_clk_1K <= ~div_clk_1K; end else cnt <= cnt + 32'd1; always @ (posedge ext_clk_50 M)//time clk if(cnt1 == 32'd25_000_000) begin cnt1 <= 32'd0; div_clk_1Hz <= ~div_clk_1Hz; end else cnt1 <= cnt1 + 32'd1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge div_clk_1Hz) if(sec == 8'd59) begin sec <= 8'd0; min <= min + 8'd1; if(min == 8'd59) begin min <= 8'd0; h <= h + 8'd1; if(h == 8'd23) h <= 8'd0; end end else sec <= sec + 8'd1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @ ( posedge div_clk_1K) if(duan_num == 3'b110) duan_num <= 3'b0; else duan_num <= duan_num + 3'b1; always @ (sec or min or h or duan_num)//encoder if(duan_num == 3'b001) begin wei_xuan <= 8'b0111_1111; case(sec % 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//5 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//6 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 3'b010) begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1011_1111; case(sec / 10) 8'd duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4:duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 3'b011) begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1110_1111; case(min % 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//9 8'd10: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//10 8'd11: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//11 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: 101; // 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000; // 9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 3'b101)//h begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1111_1101; case(h % 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//4 endcase end else 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7:duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 3'b110)//h begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1111_1110; case(h / 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end endmodule 复制代码 After writing the code, use JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) to download and view the effect :
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The effect of the digital tube is as follows:
The effect is as follows. It seems a bit inconsistent with our daily viewing habits. We modify the code to make the effect look more comfortable. module smg( input ext_clk_50M, inout reg div_clk_1K, output reg[7:0]wei_xuan, output reg[7:0]duan_xuan ); reg [31:0]cnt; reg [31:0]cnt1;//time reg div_clk_1Hz; reg [7:0]sec; reg [7:0]min; reg [7:0]h; reg [3:0]duan_num; always @ (posedge ext_clk_50M)//scan clk if(cnt == 32'd10_000) begin cnt <= 32'd0; div_clk_1K <= ~div_clk_1K; end else cnt <= cnt + 32'd1; always @ (posedge ext_clk_50M)//time clk if(cnt1 == 32'd25_000_000) begin cnt1 <= 32'd0; div_clk_1Hz <= ~div_clk_1Hz; end else cnt1 <= cnt1 + 32'd1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// always @(posedge div_clk_1Hz) if(sec == 8'd59) begin sec <= 8'd0; min <= min + 8'd1; if(min = = 8'd59) begin min <= 8'd0; h <= h + 8'd1; if(h == 8'd23) h <= 8'd0; end end else sec <= sec + 8'd1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// always @ (posedge div_clk_1K) if(duan_num == 4'b1000) duan_num <= 4'b0; else duan_num <= duan_num + 4'b1; always @ (sec or min or h or duan_num)//encoder if(duan_num == 4'b0001 ) begin wei_xuan <= 8'b0111_1111; case(sec % 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;// 7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 4'b0010) begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1011_1111; case (sec / 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8 'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8' d8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9:duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 4'b0011) begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1110_1111; case(min % 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 10;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//5 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//6 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//7 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 4'b0100) begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1111_0111; case(min / 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 4'b0101)//h begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1111_1101; case(h % 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9:duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 4'b0110)//h begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1111_1110; case(h / 10) 8'd0: duan_xuan <= 8'b1100_0000;//0 8'd1: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1001;//1 8'd2: duan_xuan <= 8'b1010_0100;//2 8'd3: duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_0000;//3 8'd4: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_1001;//4 8'd5: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0010;//5 8'd6: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0011;//6 8'd7: duan_xuan <= 8'b1111_1000;//7 8'd8: duan_xuan <= 8'b1000_0000;//8 8'd9: duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 4'b0111)//- begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1111_1011; duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_1111;//- end else if(duan_num == 4'b1000)//- begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1101_1111; duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_1111;//- end endmodule 复制代码 The modified effect is as follows, I feel it is more comfortable to read:
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Everyone is welcome to discuss and exchange. duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 4'b0111)//- begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1111_1011; duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_1111;//- end else if(duan_num == 4'b1000)//- begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1101_1111; duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_1111;//- end endmodule[/code] The modified effect is as follows. I feel it is more comfortable to read:
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Everyone is welcome to discuss and exchange ideas. duan_xuan <= 8'b1001_0000;//9 endcase end else if(duan_num == 4'b0111)//- begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1111_1011; duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_1111;//- end else if(duan_num == 4'b1000)//- begin wei_xuan <= 8'b1101_1111; duan_xuan <= 8'b1011_1111;//- end endmodule[/code] The modified effect is as follows. I feel it is more comfortable to read:
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Everyone is welcome to discuss and exchange ideas.