It's very strange. The digital linearity I converted is very poor, and there is a trend of rising. I only used AD0, the clock is Fosc/32, and the microcontroller crystal is 4M. Why is the conversion r
[size=4] TMSS320C5X is an enhanced DSP chip of TMS320C2X. Its enhanced parallel structure makes the speed of TMS320C5X more than twice that of TMS320C25. The assembly language of TMS320C2X is upward c
I have been using 1602 recently and have written several programs. All of them only have backlight display but cannot display data. The first one: RS-P2.0 RW-P2.1 E-P2.7 (E is connected to RD WR throu
1 What is Ntrip?
CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations) is a network base station that sends and receives GPS differential data through the network. After users access CORS, they can achieve
call_linux(0, [color=#FF0000]193[/color], buf); The default is 193! I checked online and found that this parameter is related to the kernel! I thought it was related to the partition [color=#FF0000]{0