[align=left][color=#000]A few days ago, I was lucky enough to buy TI's Audio Capacitive Touch BoosterPack board. I wanted to play with it these two days. The kit worked fine. However, I think the capa
Reprinted from: http://www.arm9home.net/read.php?tid-7920.htmlPlayer download address: http://arm9download.cncncn.com/mini6410/wince6/FriendlyARM-TCPMP-1037.zipIntroduction:
Most of the multimed
In the static FUNCTION_TABLE_ENTRY g_lpFTE[] in Main.h under WINCE500\PRIVATE\TEST\GWES\GDI\GDIAPI, there are clip, Draw, Palette, etc. Among them, clip has ExcludeClipRect/GetClipBox/GetClipRgn/Inter
I'm working on an input method recently, but I don't have any idea what to do. I saw in another post that you said you have the source code of the CE_Star input method. Please send it to me for refere
I found a suspected error --- please ask the administrator to have a look. When you open the homepage of the website, it says "Electronic Engineering World -- The Origin of Innovative Electronic Desig