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CbM condition monitoring helps you prevent machine failures before they happen!

Total of 1 lesson ,29 minutes and 16 seconds

When talking about machine health monitoring, we have to mention a term - CbM, which refers to Condition Based Monitoring, and its Chinese translation is: condition-based monitoring. Through the implementation of the CbM system, various working conditions of the equipment can be monitored in advance, and possible fault risks can be diagnosed and perceived in advance, so as to effectively maintain the equipment. It can greatly reduce the probability of equipment damage, improve the efficiency of the production line, and reduce maintenance costs.
ADI's CbM system consists of three parts: a front-end low-noise MEMS vibration sensor, a high-speed precision signal acquisition board, and a signal processing platform. We specially invite senior engineers in the industry to introduce ADI's CbM platform and test fans and electric toothbrushes through video explanations. At the same time, experts from Shijian's technical support department introduced Shijian's digital 3-axis vibration sensor reference design.
In this era of Industry 4.0, if you want to learn more about relevant knowledge, you may wish to pay attention to this series of videos. I believe it will be of great help to your work.

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