Regarding blood type determining personality, and horoscope predictions, I have always felt that these things are not very reliable. . . So, when the beautiful girls in the office discussed horoscopes
The goal is to achieve SPI communication between two MCUs. Both MCUs are connected to the host computer. The goal is to send a character from host computer A to host computer B on the serial assistant
I now have a project that requires the use of an XML parser under VxWorks. I have found several source files of libraries, libxml2 and tinyxml. I don't know how to compile the former under tornado, an
In fact, RS232 can also be easily used with discrete components, and the circuit is simpler, as shown in Figure 2:P1 port and some P3 ports can be used flexibly.
As the complexity of embedded real-time systems increases, design engineers must carefully consider the synergy between software and hardware when defining and analyzing the initial requirements of th