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Six-way flashing light string circuit (2)

Source: InternetPublisher:同住地球村 Keywords: flashing light BSP Updated: 2021/10/09

267. Six-way <strong>Flashing Light</strong> String<strong>Circuit</strong> (2).gif

This example introduces a six-hoof flashing skewer maker made of HFj040 chip .
HFc3040 is a sound effect flash special integrated circuit produced by Wenzhou_FbiLl+- Co., Ltd.
It adopts
a black paste soft package, Liu Waiken 1 4 solder pads. Figure
2fi7(a) is a cross-section of its pin arrangement. The functions of each pin are as follows: ①V. . is the stop terminal of lU, and the voltage range of T
is 15~5V; ②V, is the negative terminal of i Li source; ③IJ1~i. 6 is the 6 input terminals, which are current-pulling output terminals:
BZl and BZ2 are buzzing output terminals, which can be connected to an external piezoelectric ceramic chip. When the sun and J are pressed, they will make a "beep, beep"
sound . The circuit is not in use; TRI is the trigger terminal, and the low-level trigger is valid; Q and Q are
the two output terminals of the internal product steady-state circuit. When Q outputs commercial voltage A, Q outputs low voltage; Q outputs low voltage. Normally, Q outputs high fLi+:I . CN can be     externally
connected to I. R-step-down current limiting, VD, and rectification make the luminous tubes 1.ED1, I, and ED2 light up. At the same time, both ends of the luminous tubes output a stable DC voltage of about 32V. C. After filtering, it is supplied to the integrated circuit. HFC30-10 is used.     In the figure, a wire has been used to connect the trigger terminal TRI of the integrated block to the negative terminal V of the power supply, so the integrated block is turned on, and the input terminals 1_1-1_6 appear low level in sequence. , so the VTl - VT6 orchid tubes are turned on in sequence, the unidirectional thyristors vT7 - VT12 are also turned on in a cycle, and the colorful light strings F1 - E6 are lighted in cycles. S is the speed selection switch. When S is in position ①, as shown in the figure When S is in position ②, it is the high-speed gear; when S is pulled to position ②, it is the resistance R. It is connected to an input terminal Q of the steady-state trigger inside the integrated block, and the frequency is divided by 2, Q level In the case of the alternating low-to-low voltage (the ratio of I:l), only when the Q terminal outputs high-level fl, the thyristor can be triggered to conduct, so the cycle rate of the lantern is reduced by half, and this is used as a low-speed gear. .     I.EDl and JLD2 are both used here as voltage regulator tubes. Common red light-emitting diodes can be used. vr7~Vn2 can be used as MC, RiO.-S type and other small diodes. One-way thyristor (】~6CiOV). R. It is best to use R-1, 4w metal film resistor. Other component parameters are shown in the figure, especially for special requirements.





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