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Optimizing the performance of wideband zero-IF receivers

Total of 1 lesson ,5 minutes and 51 seconds

  Zero-IF receiver architecture is popular in wireless applications due to its suitability for demodulating ultra-wideband radio frequency (RF) signals. This capability is important in digital predistortion (DPD) transmitters.
  How to achieve sufficient dynamic range is a well-known major problem of zero-IF architecture. DC offset and second-order intermodulation products are in the same frequency band as the wanted signal, thus causing receiver sensitivity to decrease.
  Linear Technology's new LTC5584 and LTC5585 I/Q demodulators are capable of demodulating RF signals with >500MHz bandwidth while maintaining high receiver dynamic range. This is accomplished by the unique ability of these demodulators to maximize the rejection of DC offset and IM2 components in the baseband output through a simple adjustment of a DC control voltage.

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