module readmem; reg [7:0] mem[7:0]; reg [2:0] i; integer file; initial begin file = $fopen("memory.txt","w"); $readmemb("memoryb.txt",mem,4,0);// Start writing the data read from the text to mem[4] un
Try to use proteus to simulate uart, and refer to some codes written by the program: #include#include#define fosc 8000000 //Crystal oscillator 8MHZ #define baud 19200 //Baud rate #define osc_address 0
The team consists of four people, one hardware (chief engineer of the hardware department), three software (chief engineer of the software department, two bottom layer, Bluetooth and PC application de
I have a question for a newbie: After installing the software DfuSe_Demo_V3.0_Setup, I connected the STM3210B-EVAL to the computer via a USB cable, but the “Found New Hardware Wizard” did not appear.D
I want to achieve the function: a server socket written in vc6 on one end communicates with a client socket made by evc on the emulator. There is no problem on the server side. I have tried it with a