Usually switching power supplies are considered to be part of analog circuits. Although linear regulated power supplies are analog circuits, switching power supplies themselves are not analog circuits. Why? Please see detailed explanation.
First, let's look at the diagram in the data sheet. ADC10CTL1 = INCH_3 + CONSEQ_1; // A3/A2/A1, sequential sampling ADC10CTL0 = ADC10SHT_2 + MSC + ADC10ON + ADC10IE; According to the diagram, as long
This work mainly adopts TB67S109A motor driver. TB67S109A is a two-phase bipolar stepper motor driver equipped with PWM chopper and built-in clock decoder. The features are as follows:1. A bipolar ste
I installed a new system on my computer today, but after turning it on I found that the USB blaster didn't work. I was frustrated and plugged in the download cable, but the following prompt appeared [
I have recently encountered a difficult problem. I am designing a DC motor PWM speed control system. I use a 51 single-chip microcomputer, the main circuit is an H bridge, the keyboard is 4*4, the dis