Home > Control Circuits >Motor Control > Rotor, stator and drive circuit of brushless motora

Rotor, stator and drive circuit of brushless motora

Source: InternetPublisher:smallembedded Keywords: Drive circuit brushless motor coil power supply Updated: 2020/03/03

50.<strong>Brushless motor</strong>’s rotor, stator and<strong>drive circuit</strong>a.gif

Rotor, stator and drive circuit of brushless motora

The relationship between the rotor, stator and drive circuit of the brushless motor is shown in the figure. In the initial state shown in the figure, VT3 and VT4 are turned on. The positive pole of the power supply
forms a loop through the VT3 coil W - coil U - VT4 to the negative pole. The stator magnetic pole W coil forms the N pole, and the U coil forms the S pole.
There is no current in the V coil. Due to the effect of the stator magnetic field on the rotor poles, the rotor rotates counterclockwise. After turning 600 degrees, VT1 and VT5 change from cut-off
to on-state, and the current path changes, that is, the positive pole of the power supply - VT1·coil U - coil V - VT5 - the negative pole of the power supply . The magnetic
field at coil U changes to N pole, and the magnetic field at coil V changes to S, which causes the rotor to continue to rotate counterclockwise (600).
Continuous rotation can be achieved through orderly switching of VT1 ~ VT6 transistors .




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