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Single-phase shaded pole motor commutation circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:吃掉星星 Updated: 2016/11/16

Shaded-pole motors have special characteristics due to their stator structure and working principle. Therefore, the winding terminals cannot be interchanged to change the direction of operation like split-phase or capacitor motors. This is due to the fact that the shaded pole cracking phase of the shaded pole motor turns the original non-rotating magnetic field into an approximate rotating magnetic field. The moving direction of the rotating magnetic field axis is from the unshielded part of the magnetic pole to the covered pole part, and the rotor of the motor determines its running direction according to the moving direction of the magnetic field axis. The principle of changing the steering of a shaded pole motor is shown in the figure. To change it from forward rotation to reverse rotation, only by turning around its stator and reassembling it can the purpose of changing the direction of operation be achieved. This is because after the stator is turned around, the stator is reversed 180o, which changes the relative position of the unshielded part of the magnetic pole and the shaded pole part, and the rotation direction of the motor rotor is always from the unshielded part to the shaded pole part, so the shaded pole is replaced The direction also changes the direction of rotation of the rotor. 单相罩极式电动机换向电路




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