Usually switching power supplies are considered to be part of analog circuits. Although linear regulated power supplies are analog circuits, switching power supplies themselves are not analog circuits. Why? Please see detailed explanation.
Although there are manuals online that introduce the functions of these ROMs, some of them are not detailed enough, or I cannot fully understand and use them. So I want to know where I can see the sou
As shown in the figure, the supply voltage of the op amp LM324 is +12V and -5V
【1】Is this circuit a second-order RC low-pass filter circuit? If so, which capacitor C2 and which resistor form the secon
The latest information from the latest seminar in 2013, including the basic experiments of the latest LaunchPad. Hercules LaunchPad is a new member of the LaunchPad family. It is the cheapest developm
[i=s]This post was last edited by okhxyyo on 2015-9-27 19:23[/i] Last weekend, many security companies exposed a security incident called "XcodeGhost". The virus maker infected Xcode, the development
[i=s] This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:34 [/i] Selection of winning works of the 4th (1999) National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition