Home > Optoelectronic Circuits >Optoelectronic Display Circuits > Use 5G167 to make reverse time adjustable two-way flowing water lanterns

Use 5G167 to make reverse time adjustable two-way flowing water lanterns

Source: InternetPublisher:qoistoochee128 Keywords: Flowing water lanterns 5G BSP Updated: 2021/10/16

50. Use <strong>5G</strong>167 to create a reverse time adjustable two-way <strong>flowing water lantern</strong>.gif

The circuit of the two-way flowing water lantern controller with adjustable reverse time is shown in Figure 2-106. It consists of a square wave pulse oscillator,
a special integrated circuit for lantern control and a power supply circuit.
    The core device of the circuit is SG167. This circuit uses its internal voltage-controlled oscillator, three-position ring timing counter distributor, three
open-drain outputs and 6-pin loop mode control terminal. The audio signal input terminal IN of the 5-pin rectifier amplifier is left unconnected.
After the circuit is powered on, the open-drain output terminals A, B, and C are controlled by the internal voltage-controlled oscillator and the ring timing counter distributor. They can
appear high level in turn to drive the thyristors VS1-VS3 to light up the colored lights in cycles. . Changing the value of the external resistor and capacitor of pin 3
can change the voltage-controlled oscillation frequency, so the cycle rate of the lantern can be changed. The 6-pin circulation mode control terminal can change the circulation direction.
This circuit directly connects it to the NE555 output pin 3. When pin 6 is low level, it is a forward sequence, that is,
the timing of A, B, and C outputting high levels is : A-B~C--A--; when pin 6 is high level, it is the reverse timing sequence, that is,
the timing sequence when terminals A, B, and C appear high-level is: A-C-B~A--.
    The time base circuit NE555 is connected to a square wave pulse oscillator with adjustable duty cycle. When pin 3 is high level, pin 7 is left floating.
At this time, the positive power supply charges the capacitor C3 through RP1, Rl and VD4, and passes T1=0.7 ( When RPI+R1)C3,
the level of pin 6 of the time base circuit rises to 2/3 VDD, Al is reset, and the output pins 3 and 7 output low level. At this time, the charge stored in C3
passes through RP2, R2 and VD3 discharges to pin 7, causing the level of pin 2 of A2 to continuously decrease. When 72=0.7 (RP2+R2)
03, the level of pin 2 drops to 1/3 VDD, Al is set, and pin 3 outputs high voltage again. Pin 7 is flat, and pin 7 is floating. At this time, the positive power supply
charges C3 through RP1, Rl and VD4... Over and over again, an oscillation is formed, and pin 3 of A1 outputs high level and low level in turn.
Since pin 3 of A1 is directly connected to the loop mode control terminal CON of A2, which is pin 6, the output timing of A2
changes alternately + when pin 3 of A1 outputs low level, pin 6 of A2 is also low level, and the output It is a positive sequence, that is, the silicon
controlled conduction sequence is VSl-VS2-VS3-VS1-..., so the colorful light strings A, B, and C light up in sequence. As long as the light strings
are properly arranged in the space, a positive sequence can be formed . Water effect. Adjusting the chop changes the discharge rate of C3, so
the length of forward water flow time can be controlled. When pin 3 of Al outputs high level. Pin 6 of A2 is also at high level , and the output is reverse timing.
The thyristor conduction timing is VSl--VS3-VS2-VS1..., so the light string lights in the order of A-C-B-A-... , that is,
water flowing backward. Adjusting RP1 changes the charging rate of C3, so the length of reverse flow time can be controlled.
    RP3, R3 and C4 are external resistor-capacitor components of the internal voltage-controlled oscillator of A2. Changing RP3 can change the voltage-controlled oscillation frequency,
thereby achieving the purpose of adjusting the water flow speed of the light string.
    CI, C2, VD1, and VD2 form a simple capacitor step-down half-wave rectification and voltage stabilizing circuit, which provides
a DC voltage of about 15V for the entire control circuit, so that the circuit can work normally and reliably.




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