Usually switching power supplies are considered to be part of analog circuits. Although linear regulated power supplies are analog circuits, switching power supplies themselves are not analog circuits. Why? Please see detailed explanation.
I am currently working in a small company, and I am responsible for the communication algorithms of STM32 and FPGA. They are also responsible for the hardware platform, monitoring driver and other thi
I have always used AD to draw boards and have never used PADS software. Recently, I took a second-hand job and the people there used PADS. I had no choice but to learn PADS. I would like to ask you wh
Classification and naming of IC models of world-renowned manufacturersNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR (NSC) FAIRCHILD LF 356 H /A+"LF" means -------- component series "356" means -------- component model (gene
Hello everyone, I have a question for you: I want to save the registry data permanently: I found an article on the Internet (many articles are about this) 1. Add "Hive-based Registry" in PB. If it is