Usually switching power supplies are considered to be part of analog circuits. Although linear regulated power supplies are analog circuits, switching power supplies themselves are not analog circuits. Why? Please see detailed explanation.
The compiler is winavr2010 ucos version 2.85 for mega128 protus 7 professional creates two tasks, task 1 requests the semaphore to make PORTA level high, delay and then release the semaphore, task 2 r
[font=Tahoma, Helvetica, SimSun, sans-serif]After running MicroPython on NodeMCU a few days ago, I successfully ran MicroPython on the Xiaoe development board today. After flashing the firmware, I can
I am new to using the msp430 launchpad. Because it has few io ports, I bought an oled, but I can't drive it anyway. I am very distressed: Sad:. Now I post the program for everyone to see. Please tell
If you have relevant information, please send it to [][/url], thank you very much! ! ! Urgently needed! ! ! [[i] This post was last edited by sunxy9562 on 20