Usually switching power supplies are considered to be part of analog circuits. Although linear regulated power supplies are analog circuits, switching power supplies themselves are not analog circuits. Why? Please see detailed explanation.
First of all, we have an overall understanding of the development kit. The PCB layout is very perfect.The hardware version we use is BRD2503A-A02 . Notes on the version:The main function:
Onboard peri
I would like to ask an expert, in my WIN CE program, when the SD card is inserted, the program can capture the message immediately, but when the SD card is removed, the message needs three or four sec
I would like to ask, regarding the analysis of the stability of the op amp, the following figure is the open-loop gain curve of PA85, when it works at unity closed-loop gain, Cc=10pf, the op amp will
I am quite confused now. I will graduate soon and will look for a job in September this year. I want to work in embedded hardware. I have the following feelings before looking for a job: 1. Software d