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8 digital temperature control

Source: InternetPublisher:子丑寅卯 Keywords: Temperature control CNC BSP Updated: 2020/04/30

33.8-digit <strong>temperature control</strong> degree adjustment.gif

The 8-digit digital control is mainly composed of D/A converter, reference power supply, amplifier
, temperature sensor, etc. The circuit controls the temperature range from 0 to 5l°C and can be used for
intelligent temperature control of solar and other shower equipment .
    The circuit divides 0-51qC into 28 =256 equal parts and changes it in steps of 0.2°C. IC4 is the reference voltage source, outputting 2.SV
voltage, which is added to the ICl~ pin through RP2 and R6 to provide the reference voltage to IC1. D/A converter IC1 accepts
8-bit digital signals from other digital output devices, converts them internally into analog signals and outputs them from pin ③. After the outputs of R2, RPi and AD590
are superimposed, they are sent to the operational amplifier IC3 for
amplification, and the analog signal vo is output. The function of the marrow
is to produce a certain hysteresis in the output voltage.




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