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Frequency divider that converts 50Hz or 60Hz frequency into 1/60 frequency (CD4040)

Source: InternetPublisher:super_star Keywords: Crossover Updated: 2024/10/25

As shown in the figure, this is a frequency division circuit that converts 50Hz or 60Hz frequency into 1/60 frequency. Due to the high integration and multiple levels of CMOS, a CMOS integrated circuit can be used to divide the 50Hz or 60Hz signal to generate a pulse output with a period of 1 minute. This circuit uses a 12-level counter CD4040AE, which can convert the 50Hz input pulse signal into a pulse output with a period of 1 minute, and the frequency division coefficient is 50×60=3000. The method of converting the decimal number 3000 into binary is to divide 3000 by 2 continuously, and record all even numbers as "0", and odd numbers as "1", and discard the numbers below the decimal point until the quotient is equal to 1, so the corresponding binary "101110111000" is obtained. Obviously, a seven-input NAND gate is required for decoding, that is, one pulse is output for every 3000 input pulses.

Frequency divider that converts 50Hz or 60Hz frequency into 1/60 frequency (CD4040)




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