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Beautiful crown wreath made with LED

Source: InternetPublisher:蓝猫淘气 Keywords: LED DIY production Updated: 2025/01/07

Electronics are not always for functionality and making amazing things. Sometimes it can be used to create something beautiful and elegant. This LED head crown or wreath is something I built using 10 LEDs and a 9V battery. Also, it is a very simple project and perfect for beginners to try. Before we get into the building part of this wreath, let's take a quick look at how the wreath is created.

The LED garland consists of two parts



I will try to focus only on the electronics part here, as the aesthetic part is pretty much beyond the scope of this article.

Planning LED layout:

Wreath floor plan

The picture above is a simple rough sketch of the wreath. First, I chose three colors for this purpose (red, white, and blue), a total of 10 LEDs to decorate it, and the whole thing will be powered by a 9v portable battery. As shown in the picture above, I intend to separate the LEDs into pairs so that they can be powered by the battery.

Circuit Diagram:

LED garland circuit diagram

The circuit diagram shows how the LED should be connected to the battery. A 150 ohm resistor should be used as it should limit the current input to the LED pair. I am using a 3.3v / 30mA LED so I used

150 ohm resistor. If you want to use different size LEDs, you will also need to change the resistor value. Also, if you need to increase the number of LEDs, please look for another portable power supply.




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