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Smoking Cessation Circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:containsmachine Keywords: BSP multivibrator switching circuit Updated: 2020/12/10

5. Encouragement to quit smoking<strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

When you take out the cigarettes from the cigarette box, you will hear the alarm sound of "Woo-wah, weird" coming from the cigarette box. At the same time, a red light flashes on the glass
panel , reflecting the message "Smoking is harmful to health." ” words.
    The figure shows the circuit diagram of the principle of quitting smoking.
It can be seen from the figure that the transistors VT1 and VT2 form a self-excited
multivibrator . The oscillation frequency is determined by the adjustment of the capacitors Ci and G.
VT4 and VT5 form a complementary audio oscillator.
The oscillation The frequency is determined by the positive feedback capacitor G. VT3 and VT6 are
two switching circuits , respectively controlled by self-excited multivibrators.
When the smoker becomes addicted to cigarettes and goes to pick up cigarettes,
the self-made elastic switch installed at the bottom of the cigarette box will automatically contact and turn on the circuit. At this time, the self-excited multivibrator starts to work and promotes the VT3 and VT6
switch circuits to interact with each other. Alternately cut off and on. At this time, under the control of the switch circuit , the complementary audio oscillation circuit emits sound, the indicator
light flashes continuously, and the alarm bell sounds.
    When selecting components in the circuit
, pay attention to the amplification factors of VT1 and VT2, VT4 and VT5 to be as consistent as possible. Generally, p>so or above is sufficient. The smaller the penetration current, the better. There are no special requirements for other components. Generally, If installed correctly, everything will work normally.




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