我用的wince 5 2410平台,在PwrButton驱动不能触发 WaitForSingleObject(gPwrButtonIntrEvent, INFINITE)
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[backcolor=rgb(238, 238, 238)][font=Tahoma, Helvetica, SimSun, sans-serif][size=12px]I don’t know why, but after downloading several versions, they are all like this. Does any expert know how to solve
I have a question for you guys: I received the following string of data in my RIL Response, which is not in the format of a PDU packet. The previous section is easy to parse. The problem is that the U
The King of Glory, Pesticide, etc. In the past, the control of mobile games was very poor, and I could only play Candy Crush. Now that Pesticide is available, I have to change my phone.
I am learning filter circuit theory and designed a resonator BPF circuit. When simulating, the input and output voltages of the network are both 0V. I would like to ask you why. Parameters: coupling c