Analog-to-digital (or digital-to-analog) data conversion is an important component in many forms of electronic systems, but the technique of data sampling raises many design issues and considerations. The first part of this online seminar series will explore the fundamentals of data sampling and the implications of quantization, undersampling and oversampling, process gain, anti-aliasing filtering, and more. Part Two will explore mainstream data converter architectures in detail and help listeners understand how sampling, quantization, and digitization occur and, more importantly, how this affects the correct selection of converters in a given application. This seminar will also discuss the sources of sampling anomalies that affect linearity, distortion, and noise and how to manage them.
Newbie questions about ARM development tool ADS1.2? There are 3 questions in total 1. Does ADS support soft simulation? How to use simulation? In the axd environment, do you select option -> Configure
The so-called absorbing material refers to a type of material that can absorb the electromagnetic wave energy projected onto its surface. In engineering applications, in addition to requiring the abso
As the automation industry gradually moves towards Ethernet control, connecting traditional serial devices to the Internet has become a difficult challenge. A good serial server can turn challenges in
[i=s] This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 11:40 [/i] Article link: [url]deyisupport./blog/b/signalchain/archive/2013/05/14/51427.aspx [/url] The article mentions two uses of potentiomete