[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:14[/i] :victory: I went to Freescale to have a look during the summer vacation. I was lucky enough to go deep into the core area, the Freesca
[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:13[/i] I was completely decadent during the three days of New Year's Day. I just played and slept. I went to work right away. I haven't done
void timer1()
{TIMSK=(1[/code] [code]void fre_pwm(int i,int b) { DDRD |=(14); // OC1B pin is set to output DDRD |=(15); // OC1A pin is set to output TCCR1A=(0com1a1)|(1com1a0)|(1com1b1)|(0com1b
Encapsulate a.64p into .x64p Da Vinci tool chain establishment (project compilation steps) Tool chain refers to the compilation environment for programs under Linux. Here, the videnc_copy project unde
[font=微软雅黑][size=3]{:1_144:} Good news! EEworld University has launched another important new course! This time we bring you the WEBENCH series of training courses, which are exquisitely made and can'
The company transferred an IP, and the user's platform was based on the 51 core. My task was to rewrite the current 32-bit machine code into the 51 8-bit machine code. This was my first time using Kei