3. Hardware SPI evaluation
First , there are threeThe latter two are obtained by stacking 4MB SPI Flash at the SoC chip level. At the same time, there are two types on the ESP32-C3 module, ESP32C3MINI
Three suggestions: Intel Fellows' message to young Chinese IT technicians. Recently, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Intel China Research Center and the "2008 Intel Chi
[b][color=#5E7384]This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user [size=3]陌路绝途[/size]. If you need to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indic
The Hungarian notation in DSP/BIOS is: Sm means 8-bit type;Md means 16-bit type;Lg means 32-bit type;Int means signed integer; Uns means unsigned type;Bits means bit-based calculation type;
Use the S51 single-chip computer learning board you bought, and the crystal oscillator frequency is 6MHZ. Try to write a method to use the timer T0 software counting to achieve the following question: