As the level of integrated circuit design and process technology improve, the scale of integrated circuits is getting larger and larger, and the entire system can be integrated into one chip (currentl
This circuit can connect multiple phones to one telephone line in your home or company without mutual monitoring between the phones, avoiding unnecessary troubles. At the same time, it also ensures th
[align=left] I've been busy at work recently. I worked overtime yesterday and rested today. I'll take some time to work on it. Seeing that some forum friends have completed their projects, I'm a littl
Abstract: This application note describes the use of a current-sense amplifier in conjunction with an optocoupler to extend the operating voltage range to 1,000V , making it ideal for high-voltage app
Bought a set of LaunchPad+touchpadIt feels funI used the capacitive touch library to complete some simple button operationsThere are also some advanced applications like scroll bars.I hope everyone is
This is a small program that uses TA1 to capture interrupts. I really can't solve the problem. I'd like to ask for advice from an expert. #include "cc430f5137.h" void main(void) { WDTCTL=WDTPW+WDTHOLD