Hello everyone, I recently saw the ARM of KS8695X, and I feel it is good. However, after reading some information, there are still some questions that I still don't understand. I would like to ask: Wh
I want to calculate the value of R11. Is it (12-1.8-1.8)/100ma? Assuming that the diode has the maximum power, do I also need to calculate the voltage drop of the transistor? What is the voltage drop
[size=3][color=DimGray][color=Red][b]Event Overview:[/b][/color] The Asia-Pacific Expert Lecture Hall 2017 is being held in 23 cities across the country. If you are unable to attend the event in perso
This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user Qi IC Kan MCU . If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indicate the source
The ultr
As shown in the figure, a group of bundles are automatically generated after setting the Net Group, but how can I change it to go to U1 first and then to U2?