I have been preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination recently. Well, I feel very peaceful and my life is pretty good. I don't have to think about anything every day. I can read books and ha
I would like to ask the experts. For example, PIC16F886 has CONFIG1 and CONFIG2. How do I configure it? I can't compile it like this: __CONFIG1 (FOSC_HS & WDTE_OFF & LVP_OFF & PWRTE_ON & BOR4V_BOR40V
I have MAX6070, voltage reference max44244, dual op amp max11200-AD. I want to use these three chips to make a conditioning circuit. I would like to ask an expert for a reference.
I want to ask about the non-maskable interrupt of MSP430. NMI I want to use the RESET pin as the interrupt input pin, but no matter how I try, it doesn't work. Everyone, please check if there is any p