I use Timer_A3. I use all three timers, one for PWM output, one for capture, and another for timer. But I found that PWM is affected by capture, but the book says they are independent of each other! C
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I like to play with smart phones. Recently, 3G network is very popular, so I also joined in the fun. Not only did I change my phone, but I also bought a WCDMA 186 package last month. Now it is only ha
I don't mean to paste a circular picture. I want the button to be circular. I see there is a concept of Region, but CE does not seem to support the API for creating a circular Region: CreateEllipticRg
RT, in Samsung's own 6410->oal->timer.c, there are two sentences [color=#FF0000]#ifdef ENABLE_WATCH_DOG OALInitWatchDogTimer (); #endif[/color] After defining ENABLE_WATCH_DOG, the watchdog program ca
lib rar y IEEE ; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all ; use IEEE.numeric_std.all ; entity key1 is port ( Clk_I : in std_logic ;Rst_I : in std_logic ;key_I : in std_logic ;key_