In the [Badminton Training Monitor Project] - Main Function Implementation , I have completed the data collection, training, implementation and testing of the LSM6DSOX application in badminton racket
As the title says, the customer needs us to use TI's DMVA2 solution to complete our project. We have no experience in DMVA2, so we would like to ask for your suggestions: (1) Is this solution difficul
After downloading, there were warning during download see log window appears, but the program jumps to the beginning and runs normally.Tue Jun 28 14:32:11 2011: TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01 Tue Jun
The New York Times said that now all newborns in the United States have to take blood tests to determine whether they lack certain important enzymes. If the cost of genome sequencing can be reduced to
I am going to use IR1150 to simulate a bridgeless PFC, but LTSpice does not have a corresponding model. What software do you use to simulate IR1150S? I hope you can give me some advice. Thank you!