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High Power, Boost/SEPIC/Inverting DC/DC Output Converter with Fault Protection

Total of 1 lesson ,5 minutes and 43 seconds

Historically, high power boost converters have had the disadvantage of having a DC path between the input and output nodes. A fault condition (such as an output short circuit) can easily damage or destroy critical components in this path. Other topologies, such as SEPIC or inverting converters, can also suffer damage from input overvoltage or reverse input voltage conditions.

Linear Technology's LT3581 and LT3579 have achieved new breakthroughs in the field of high-power monolithic DC/DC converter technology. In addition to including high-voltage, high-current power switches (3.3A, 42V for the LT3581 and 6A, 42V for the LT3579), these devices have built-in fault protection. By adding a small number of external components, the power conversion circuit designed around these two devices can safely tolerate output short circuits, input overvoltage, reverse input voltage, and overtemperature conditions.
Video presentation: Albert Wu

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