When downloading a program to the PIC microcontroller through the programmer K150, the program cannot be downloaded and the error "the board is not responding about to apply reset" appears.
I use the stm8s discover development board, that is, the MCU is stm8s105c6t6 [size=5][color=Blue][b]For a chip like stm8 that has a separate IO port direction, how should it be set to release the bus?
I use an emulator to debug the dsp,but it stops downloading programs after about a week of use.The error message is something like power loss.Is the dsp not that easy to break, or is there something w
The program to read this part looks like this:
char READ (char addr)
{ char R;
SEN=1; //Generate start bit
while (SEN==1); //Start bit detection completed
IIC_SEND(0b11010000); //The SSPADD of the sla