I use a USB emulator to trace the 16X learning board assembly program. Single-step and interrupt operations are normal, but an error occurs when executing the CALL statement. What is the problem? Plea
I originally wanted to connect my phone to the sensor tag, but it doesn't support Bluetooth 4.0... I turned to my computer, but I still can't find a suitable method. I saw someone in the forum saying
I am working on a system now. The hardware uses ARM9's S3C2440 and an AUO 5.7-inch 320*240 LCD screen. The hardware connection uses direct port connection (with a 22-ohm resistor in the middle) VCLK,
I would like to ask if anyone knows how to debug the blood pressure monitor during mass production. Is there any good way that is labor-saving and time-saving and suitable for mass production? What in