The communication between bq76pl455 and TMS570 is the traditional serial peer; start bit, 8 bits DATA; 1 bit STOP; the final CRC-16 check; CRC-16 check; after a while, now we provide you with CRC-16 c
I believe that everyone who has done hardware design has experienced making component or module packages by themselves, but it is not an easy task to make a good package. I believe that everyone has h
The AT89C51 microcontroller has three encryption bits: LB1, LB2, and LB3. The states of the three encryption bits can be defined through software programming to obtain some additional functions: —————
The input signal voltage source is collected by serial A/D converter TLC549 and converted into digital signal for 51 single chip microcomputer. After data processing by single chip microcomputer, it i
When selecting the package search path for xdc, there is a dvsdk package path. I would like to ask how come there is a Windows version of this dvsdk? I can only find Linux versions. What else do I nee