I wrote a USB camera driver according to the example on the Internet and got an Ov511.dll using EVC. Which directory should I put it in? I put it in "My Devices" but not in any folder. Why does it alw
[p=26, null, left][color=#000][font=Arial] I just started to explore the 430F55 series. I am also a novice. After two days of playing with its clock system, I finally think I have some clues. I think
I receive 500 GPS messages at a time because I need to process them once, so I use normal mode.But I can only receive data once when debugging. I use the method of reconfiguring DMA to receive the nex
Semiconductor parametric test software for components and discrete devicesACS Basic Edition software is developed specifically to take advantage of the high-performance capabilities of Keithley instru