Electronic clock program with adjustable time

Publisher:WhisperingGlowLatest update time:2021-05-25 Source: eefocus Reading articles on mobile phones Scan QR code
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Introduction: Single-chip open source project of button adjustable electronic clock (matrix button + infrared remote control button for time adjustment)
This program is written based on the 51hei single-chip development board. If you need to transplant it to your own circuit, just modify the corresponding port.



* @file : main.c

* @author : xr

* @date : 2014-04-21 22:23:12 - 2014-04-26 21:22:29

* @version : V1.2.3

* @brief : Electronic clock with adjustable time by buttons (matrix buttons + infrared remote control buttons for time adjustment) MCU STC89C52RC MCU Crystal oscillator 11.0592MHZ




#include "main.h"

/*Define a structure to encapsulate the time and date read from DS1302 and the time and date set to DS1302*/

struct Time {

unsigned char year; //DS1302 only stores the lower two bytes of the year

unsigned char month;

unsigned char day;

unsigned char hour;

unsigned char min;

unsigned char sec;

unsigned char week;


/*Define a structure time variable to save time and date*/

struct Time timeBuf; //Struct variables must be used here, and structure pointers cannot be used, otherwise the write will fail!

unsigned char setTimeIndex = 0; //Set the time status and set the cursor position and set the index value of the time position (0 is normal operation, 1-12 is the setting time status, 1-12 is the setting position)

bit flag200ms = 0;

unsigned char thr0, tlr0;

//Infrared communication decoding key code and standard PC code mapping table

unsigned char code IrdCodeMap[] = {0x45, 0x46, 0x47, //Switch, Mode, Mute

0x44, 0x40, 0x43, //Play/Pause, Fast Rewind, Fast Forward

0x07, 0x15, 0x09, //EQ, subtraction, addition

0x16, 0x19, 0x0D, //0, return, U/SD

0x0C, 0x18, 0x5E, //1, 2, 3

0x08, 0x1C, 0x5A, //4, 5, 6

0x42, 0x52, 0x4A};//7, 8, 9

// External variable declaration

extern bit flagIrd; //Infrared data code value reception completed flag

extern unsigned char irdCode[4]; //Save the four-byte data code decoded by the NEC protocol (user code + user inverse code, key code + key code inverse code)

extern void InitLCD1602();

extern void LcdShowStr(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char * str);

extern void LcdSetCoursor(unsigned char x, unsigned char y);

extern void LcdOpenCoursor();

extern void InitDS1302();

extern void GetTimeFromDS1302(struct Time * time);

extern void SetTimeToDS1302(struct Time * time);

extern void KeyDriver();

extern void KeyScan();

extern void LcdCoursorRight();

extern void LcdCoursorLeft();

void ConfgiTimer0(unsigned int xms);

void RefreshLcdShowTime();

extern void ConfigIrdByTimer1();

void IrdDrive();

void IrdKeyAction();

extern void SetTimeBcdByte(unsigned char keyNum);

/*Main program main()*/

void main()


unsigned char psec = 0xFF; //Used to detect whether sec seconds have changed, if changed, refresh the time display

ConfgiTimer0(1); //timing 1ms

ConfigIrdByTimer1(); //Configure infrared communication



/*LCD initialization display*/

LcdShowStr(1, 0, "*");

LcdShowStr(2, 0, "20 - - ");

LcdShowStr(12, 0, "*");

LcdShowStr(14, 0, "--");

LcdShowStr(0, 1, "time: --:--:--");

while (1)


KeyDriver(); //Detect key action

if (flagIrd)


flagIrd = 0;

IrdKeyAction(); //Detect infrared key action


if (flag200ms == 1 && (setTimeIndex == 0)) //Refresh the time display every 200ms and when setTimeIndex==0 is not in the set time state


flag200ms = 0;

GetTimeFromDS1302(&timeBuf); //Get the time from DS1302 to the member of the timeBuf structure pointer variable

if (timeBuf.sec != psec) //The current second value is not equal to the previous second value


RefreshLcdShowTime(); //Refresh time display

psec = timeBuf.sec; //Backup the current second value (second register value)





/*Timer T0 configuration*/

void ConfgiTimer0(unsigned int xms)


unsigned long tmp;

tmp = 11059200/12; // cycle frequency

tmp = (tmp * xms) / 1000; //The count value required for timing xms

tmp = 65536-tmp; //Initial value loaded at regular intervals

thr0 = (unsigned char)(tmp >> 8);

tlr0 = (unsigned char)tmp;

TMOD &= 0xF0; // Clear T0 control bit

TMOD |= 0x01; //T0 mode 1, 16-bit configurable time mode

TH0 = thr0;

TL0 = tlr0;

TR0 = 1;

ET0 = 1;

EA = 1;


/*Decompose a BCD code byte data and display it on the (x, y) coordinates of LCD1602*/

void LcdShowBCDByte(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char bcdbyte)


unsigned char str[4];

str[0] = (bcdbyte >> 4) + '0'; //Get the high 4 bytes of the BCD code

str[1] = (bcdbyte & 0x0F) + '0'; //Get the fourth byte of the BCD code

str[2] = '';

LcdShowStr(x, y, str);


/*Refresh time to display on LCD1602*/

void RefreshLcdShowTime()


LcdShowBCDByte(4, 0, timeBuf.year); //Display year

LcdShowBCDByte(7, 0, timeBuf.month);

LcdShowBCDByte(10, 0, timeBuf.day);

LcdShowBCDByte(6, 1, timeBuf.hour);

LcdShowBCDByte(9, 1, timeBuf.min);

LcdShowBCDByte(12, 1, timeBuf.sec);

LcdShowBCDByte(14, 0, timeBuf.week); //Display the week


/************The following function is the high and low digits of the BCD code byte +1 and -1**********************/

/*Increment the high digit of the BCD code*/

unsigned char IncrementBCDByteHigh(unsigned char bcdbyte)


if ((bcdbyte & 0xF0) < 0x90) //Check if the high 4 bytes of bcdbyte are less than 9


bcdbyte += 0x10; //high four bytes + 1




//The high four-bit value returns to zero when it reaches 9

bcdbyte &= 0x0F;//0000 1111


return (bcdbyte); //Return the modified BCD code value


/*Increment the low byte of the BCD code*/

unsigned char IncrementBCDByteLow(unsigned char bcdbyte)


if ((bcdbyte & 0x0F) < 0x09) //Get the lower four digits of bcdbyte


bcdbyte += 0x01; //low byte + 1




//Reset to zero at 9

bcdbyte &= 0xF0; //lower four bits cleared


return (bcdbyte);


/*Decrement the high byte of the BCD data byte*/

unsigned char DescBCDByteHigh(unsigned char bcdbyte)


if ((bcdbyte & 0xF0) > 0) //Get the high 4 bytes of the BCD code byte


bcdbyte -= 0x10; //high four-bit byte number -1




// Return to 9 from 0

bcdbyte |= 0x90; //或bcdbyte &= 0x9F


return (bcdbyte);


/*Decrement the low byte of the BCD data byte*/

unsigned char DescBCDByteLow(unsigned char bcdbyte)


if ((bcdbyte & 0x0F) > 0)


bcdbyte -= 0x01; //low digit -1




// Return to 9 from 0

bcdbyte |= 0x09;


return (bcdbyte);


/*Set the cursor flashing position according to the value of setTimeIndex*/

void LcdRefreshSetCoursor()


switch (setTimeIndex)


case 1: LcdSetCoursor(4, 0); break; //Set the ten digits of the year

case 2: LcdSetCoursor(5, 0); break;

case 3: LcdSetCoursor(7, 0); break;

case 4: LcdSetCoursor(8, 0); break;

case 5: LcdSetCoursor(10, 0); break;

case 6: LcdSetCoursor(11, 0); break;

case 7: LcdSetCoursor(6, 1); break;

case 8: LcdSetCoursor(7, 1); break;

case 9: LcdSetCoursor(9, 1); break;

case 10: LcdSetCoursor(10, 1); break;

case 11: LcdSetCoursor(12, 1); break;

case 12: LcdSetCoursor(13, 1); break;

default: break;




/*Increment the time value of the cursor blinking position*/

void IncTimeBysetTimeIndex()


switch (setTimeIndex)


case 1: timeBuf.year = IncrementBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.year); break; //year10++ten digits of the year++

case 2: timeBuf.year = IncrementBCDByteLow(timeBuf.year); break;//year digit++

case 3: timeBuf.month = IncrementBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.month); break;//月十位++

case 4: timeBuf.month = IncrementBCDByteLow(timeBuf.month); break;//月个位++

case 5: timeBuf.day = IncrementBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.day); break;

case 6: timeBuf.day = IncrementBCDByteLow(timeBuf.day); break;

case 7: timeBuf.hour = IncrementBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.hour); break;

case 8: timeBuf.hour = IncrementBCDByteLow(timeBuf.hour); break;

case 9: timeBuf.min = IncrementBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.min); break;

case 10: timeBuf.min = IncrementBCDByteLow(timeBuf.min); break;

case 11: timeBuf.sec = IncrementBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.sec); break;

case 12: timeBuf.sec = IncrementBCDByteLow(timeBuf.sec); break;

default: break;


RefreshLcdShowTime(); //Refresh time display

LcdRefreshSetCoursor(); //Refresh cursor flashing display


/*Decrement the time value of the cursor position*/

void DecTimeBySetTimeIndex()


switch (setTimeIndex)


case 1: timeBuf.year = DescBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.year); break; //Decrease the ten digits of the year

case 2: timeBuf.year = DescBCDByteLow(timeBuf.year); break; //Decrease the year digit

case 3: timeBuf.month = DescBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.month); break;

case 4: timeBuf.month = DescBCDByteLow(timeBuf.month); break;

case 5: timeBuf.day = DescBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.day); break;

case 6: timeBuf.day = DescBCDByteLow(timeBuf.day); break;

case 7: timeBuf.hour = DescBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.hour); break;

case 8: timeBuf.hour = DescBCDByteLow(timeBuf.hour); break;

case 9: timeBuf.min = DescBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.min); break;

case 10: timeBuf.min = DescBCDByteLow(timeBuf.min); break;

case 11: timeBuf.sec = DescBCDByteHigh(timeBuf.sec); break

case 12: timeBuf.sec = DescBCDByteLow(timeBuf.sec); break;

default: break;


/*Refresh the time display first, then refresh the cursor flashing display*/




/*Infrared button action function*/

void IrdKeyAction()


if (irdCode[2] == 0x44) // >>||


if (setTimeIndex == 0) //Normal operation status


setTimeIndex = 1;

LcdRefreshSetCoursor(); //Refresh cursor setting display




SetTimeToDS1302(&timeBuf); //Write time into DS1302

setTimeIndex = 0;




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x40) //|<<


if (setTimeIndex != 0)





else if (irdCode[2] == 0x43) // >>|


if (setTimeIndex != 0)





else if (irdCode[2] == 0x15) //-




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x09) //+




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x19) //EQ


setTimeIndex = 0;



else if (irdCode[2] == 0x16) //Number key 0




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x0C) //Number key 1




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x18) //Number key 2




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x5E)




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x08)




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x1C)




else if (irdCode[2] == 0x5A)

[1] [2] [3]
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