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The most serious part of the "stuck neck" of domestic chips is how many rolls are there?

Latest update time:2024-04-14

The original title of this article "The "narrow door" involved in chips"

At first glance, it seems that we are so bad in the field of EDA (Electronic Design Automation). The combined market capitalization of the top three companies in the country is less than one-tenth of that of the top company in the United States .

If you look closely, it doesn't really work. Most of them can only do "point tool" work and cannot have full-process technology like their American counterparts. Some domestic customers said, "We can't let our downstream companies connect with dozens of upstream companies in order to replace domestic products, right?"

These statements are correct. But put into a larger context, we are absolutely optimistic about the future of this field. This is also the reason why we wrote this manuscript????

This niche field is not too busy at the moment, but it just hasn’t reached its peak yet .

It is only a matter of time before China will win this "narrow gate of chips".

The remote battlefield of China Chip

For major countries, “build or buy” has always been a classic multiple-choice question.

Like multi-directional signs inserted at different forks in the road, they test the comprehensive judgment of those on the road.

Forty years ago, China’s now world-leading wind tunnel technology almost failed at this fork in the road. A wind tunnel is a wind tunnel laboratory that uses artificial airflow to simulate the airflow around airplanes and cars. The reason I tended to "buy" at that time was - "cheap" .

"When the wind tunnel blows, there is a thousand taels of gold." It is a well-known power consumer, which made China's power industry, which had been subject to power cuts from time to time, even worse. In contrast, by purchasing foreign software and using computers to simulate airflow conditions, the cost is much lower than building a self-built wind tunnel. Even the tests related to the US Boeing 777 can be completed by 3D computer-aided design (CAD).

source: unsplash

In the end, with Qian Xuesen’s insistence, the Chinese wind tunnel was completely preserved. Qian Xuesen's idea of ​​​​solving the problem is that China's wind tunnels must be preserved, and China's computer and software technology must also be developed.

This far-sighted persistence has brought at least two gains today. First, without its own wind tunnel technology, several of our high-end industries would not be able to develop - from missiles and hypersonic aircraft to the domestically produced large aircraft C919 and Chinese automobiles in the civilian field, all of our countries have benefited from our own wind tunnel technology. . Some new designs are still based on wind tunnels and are difficult to simulate with software, such as waverider aircraft.

In a short video released by CCTV, the words "JF-22 Shock Wave Wind Tunnel" are marked in the upper right corner of the screen.

The second is to leave a "back door" for the risk of stuck in my country's industrial software.

One of the biggest shortcomings of China's industry today is industrial software. Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, once said that Professor Roe of the University of Michigan in the United States made a harsh statement, to the effect that if the United States and the European Union ban the sale of industrial software to China, "Chinese aircraft and automobile manufacturers will have to go back to blowing wind tunnels."

Four major categories of industrial software:

R&D design software (CAD/CAM/CAE/EDA/PLM)

Manufacturing software (PLC/DCS/SCADA/MES)

Business management software (ERP/SCM)

Operation and maintenance service software (MRO)

Industrial software for different fields varies greatly and cannot be generalized. Generally speaking, the current situation in our country is that "operation and management software is strong and design and R&D software is weak." ——The most serious bottleneck is R&D design software (CAD/CAM/CAE/EDA/PLM).

Among them, the most backward one is EDA for integrated circuit design in the R&D design category .

As a large-scale industrial tool that uses computer assistance to complete the design, manufacturing, packaging and testing of integrated circuit chips, EDA runs through almost every link of the integrated circuit industry chain - curbing the development of EDA is equivalent to choking the development of the chip industry. .

At first glance, the combat effectiveness of Chinese EDA companies is very weak.

In terms of market value , as of April 7, Cadence (American Cadence Electronics) has a total market value of approximately US$83.9 billion. Synopsy (US Synopsys) has a total market value of approximately US$87.781 billion.

In comparison, China's three EDA Musketeers, Huada Jiutian (301269.SZ) (as of April 3, the total market value is 44.429 billion yuan), Introduction Electronics (688206.SH) (as of April 3, the market value is 6.737 billion yuan) RMB), Guangli Microelectronics (301095.SZ) (as of April 3, market value 11.236 billion yuan) - together they are less than one-tenth of a US leader .

In terms of market share , the top three companies in the United States, Cadence (Cadence Electronics), Mentor (Siemens EDA), and Synopsys (Synopsys Technology), occupy more than 70% of the global EDA market share. China's self-sufficiency rate in the EDA field is just over 10% . The above three giants also account for more than 70% of the Chinese market.

If you take a closer look, you can see that he is really good at fighting alone . At present, most domestic EDA companies are still "point tool companies", while the three American EDA giants have full-process technology and full-process solutions, as shown in the figure below????

Under the huge power gap, and taking advantage of the two major mergers and acquisitions of Synopsys this year to set off an upsurge in domestic EDA discussions, "Starship Knowledge" chatted with EDA practitioners and downstream customers who use EDA . The complaints and pessimism are as follows :

有人说 ,我也想用国产软件,但光靠情怀,没精力对接十几家国产EDA企业(因为国内大多是点工具公司)。所以市场还是国外的。

有人说 ,EDA市场就这么大,一说要突破“卡脖子”,这几年涌进来的创业公司也太多了吧,有没有必要那么卷。

也有朋友说 ,美国EDA三巨头崛起走的都是收购整合路线,哐哐砸钱,(华大九天、广立微、概论电子)也上市好几年了,“上市就是让你有钱去做并购的。怎么到现在也没并购个能打的出来?对面断供怎么办?”

也有人好奇,云计算到底能带来啥?(神州数码、软通动力、鼎捷软件成为 阿里云 产业伙伴。思尔芯与 腾讯云 共同打造EDA云服务等)


上述说法都没错。但放到更大背景上, 《星船知造》对国产EDA的明天是绝对乐观的。


首先 ,EDA是软件,但姓“ ”,需要和大量应用科学(工科)结合。 目前全球EDA市场都在增长,但增长最快的一定是中国市场——包括我国从国家层面认可的2023年八大创新工业品 ????


其中很多极大拉动了半导体需求。中国已是全球最大半导体市场。 新质生产力时代下 ,中国EDA的巨大下游市场仍在扩张,一定会形成技术VS市场、本土工业巨头和本土软件企业之间的良好内循环。


第二 ,在上述过程中,有一个所有人无法忽视的事实:高度全球化的半导体产业正面临复杂变化。 简单点说就是 ,虽然现在国内EDA企业大多是“点工具”,用起来是麻烦点, 但好在情绪稳定啊,海外巨头万一哪天又又情绪不稳定了呢






第三 ,结合上述两个事实,我们认为目前国内EDA不是太卷,而是恰恰还没到最卷的时候。

这两年EDA热度看似升高,华大九天等头部企业上市后也进入了公众视野,从我们制图的全流程图看????,目前几乎所有点工具都已经有国内企业在做。只是目前看,技术升级、并购都还需要时间。远未到大浪淘沙 英雄辈出 的时候。





2024年1月16日 Synopsys宣布收购Ansys(电子产品设计模拟和分析软件领域的领先公司)。


2024年3月20日 Synopsys完成了对Intrinsic ID(提供物理不可克隆功能(PUF)IP的领先供应商)的收购。



之所以选择从上世纪90年代开始梳理,因为EDA企业从一开始的小型初创公司各自攻城略地,到逐步形成了今天的寡头格局, 其背后是自上世纪八、九十年代以来,集成电路技术的日新月异 ——EDA作为这个庞大产业链中基础且关键的一环,始终跟随着整个半导体行业的发展。

从时间线看,就能更清晰看到我们和欧美在EDA领域巨大的发展时间差 ????

source: unsplash

最开始 ,CAD(计算机辅助设计)是工业设计的起点,用于辅助制图和建模。

1963年 ,麻省理工大学开发了第一款真正意义上的CAD软件——“Sketchpad”。

同时期的中国 :中国攻关“两弹一星”,靠的是纯手工绘图。“东方红一号”卫星方案图中的椭圆,就是我国工程师用笔戳绳子画出来的。


此时EDA主要以in-house EDA的形式存在,仅有少量几家商用“EDA公司”,例如Applicon、Calma、ComputerVision等,且这些公司的重心还是偏向于机械CAD。

“东方红一号”方案图绘制 图源:中国空间技术研究院

20世纪60、70年代 :芯片晶体管密度低,企业入局率低,Applicon、Calma和Computervision三家公司主导当时的CAD/CAM市场。

同时期的中国 :70年代起,我国开始研究计算机在工业领域中的应用。

20世纪80、90年代 :半导体工艺持续演进,EDA逐渐在CAD和CAE的基础上发展起来,它专注于电子设计领域,将设计师的构想转化为硅片上的现实。

下游应用与种类也相应大幅增加,催生了中小型Fabless芯片设计公司的快速发展。但中小厂商缺乏资源能力开发自己的in-house EDA工具,因此产生了大量对外部商用EDA的需求。

此时的CAD和CAE则覆盖更广泛的工程设计领域。Daisy Systems、Mentor Graphics和Valid Logic三家公司主导当时的CAE市场。

中国情况 :回顾这段历史,颇有些唏嘘。“八五”期间(1991年-1995年),我国启动了“CAD应用工程”并在软件自主研发上取得不错成果。但很快国外工业软件长驱直入,刚蹒跚学步的本土工业软件毫无招架之力:


人们反应过来为时已晚 ——工业软件是需要和应用强结合的,国外软件攻下市场后获得大量企业的生产、研发数据,迭代升级自家产品,也让本就刚出襁褓的中国工业软件进一步丧失竞争力。失去市场的软件是活不下去的。

进入21世纪 :全球EDA市场寡头格局进一步清晰,新思科技、楷登电子、西门子EDA收购大量初创公司,包括Forte、Jasper、Springsoft、EVE、Nimbic等。

中国情况 :国内巨大下游市场带来的生产数据进一步助推了国外软件优化升级,中国和国外同行的差距进一步拉大。



纵观EDA发展历程,并购的优势是显而易见的, 因为它同时满足了市场竞争和技术创新的双重需求——


那么问题来了 ——对于中国EDA产业而言,完全复制海外巨头的收并购发展模式为什么只是理论可行?


中国EDA一定能摸索出一条超越之路, 但可以确定的是:它不会是三十年前巨头们走过的那一条。

2016年10月26日, 英国 对冲基金Argonaut Capital在官网上对着德国政府就是一顿狂喷,大意是:

你们 德国 政府搞什么阴谋论?!你们这种阴谋论完全站不住脚。如果你们这种逻辑成立,那以后中国人要并购德国钢铁企业是不是也不行?因为钢铁可以用来造坦克。

德国芯片企业爱思强(Aixtron)马上和自己的英国大股东Argonaut Capital统一战线,但没敢喷自家政府,而是对准时任美国总统:


英德一通输出后,换来了 美国 更明确的指令——奥马巴发布总统令:阻止中国企业宏芯基金对德国爱思强的收购。


很明显,复杂多变的局势下, 针对中国的技术封锁及潜在并购限制是存在的,通过收并购海外企业获得有价值的技术这条路已经布满荆棘





Synopsys模式 :优先重点突破关键环节核心EDA工具,在这些工具获得国际市场的认可后,进一步推出具有国际市场竞争力的关键流程解决方案。

Cadence模式 :优先构建一个全流程的解决方案,然后逐步提升该解决方案中各个关键环节的核心EDA工具的市场竞争力。

走这两种不同发展路径的中国EDA企业 :前者有 概伦电子 广立微 ——概伦电子覆盖的具体环节有制造环节工艺平台开发阶段的器件模型建模验证工具、设计环节模拟电路EDA中的电路仿真与验证工具;广立微则实现在集成电路成品率提升领域的全流程覆盖,并从制造端向设计端延伸;

后者典型是 华大九天 。华大九天实现了相对完整的模拟集成电路全流程解决方案。


技术积累 :国产EDA多集中在点工具的研发与应用上,而Cadence、Synopsys及Mentor Graphics等国际巨头,几乎覆盖了集成电路产业链的所有重要环节。

尤其是在尖端制程方面,国产EDA工具尚未达到支撑 7纳米 乃至更先进制程的设计需求。

应用场景 :EDA工具分为数字设计类、模拟设计类、晶圆制造类、封装类、系统类五大类。国内EDA工具多应用于中低端芯片设计及验证,而国外厂商则广泛服务于各类高端数字芯片、模拟/混合信号芯片及系统级芯片的设计流程。

EDA从成熟度上,又大致分为 :功能成熟期(EDA工具能够支持集成电路的设计和制造过程,使其达到实际应用的标准)、提升期(EDA不仅支持日常操作,还能帮助客户提高产品良率,并对设计和制造流程进行优化,提升用户体验)、构筑壁垒期(EDA通过多工具协同优化,形成技术和生态壁垒)。


产业链协同 :技术成果较分散。 作为后发者,我们还面临两大问题

一是全球头部EDA企业已经与顶级Fabless(无晶圆厂半导体公司)和Foundry(晶圆代工厂)建立了稳固的合作关系, 形成了一个高度绑定的生态联盟 。这种深度捆绑的合作模式使得新进入者难以打破既有格局。


因此,全流程EDA工具覆盖十分重要,任何一个环节的缺失都会阻碍我国集成电路产业的前行脚步。目前业内认为现阶段我国EDA不妨走 “特色化整合” 路线,包括但不限于——

捆绑模式 :不同EDA企业协同合作,通过捆绑各自擅长的点工具,形成一套完整的设计解决方案。

定制开发模式 :大型EDA企业基于自身的技术优势和市场地位,与小型或初创EDA公司建立定制开发伙伴关系。

孵化模式 :大型EDA企业利用自身积累的经验和资源优势,对具备技术潜力的初创EDA企业进行培育和扶持。






我国 5G通信、新能源汽车 等产业的迅猛发展下,对芯片设计的需求急剧增加,为EDA企业提供了辽阔市场——

EDA行业下游主要包括集成电路设计、制造、封测企业 ????


EDA不仅支撑着700亿美元的半导体制造产业, 还间接支撑多个巨型产业????


中国汽车 :中汽协数据显示,2023年,我国新能源汽车产销量分别达958.7万辆和949.5万辆,同比分别增长35.8%和37.9%。头部企业中,截至2023年12月底,比亚迪新能源乘用车共计出口超29.8万辆。目前比亚迪新能源乘用车已进入日本、英国、德国、澳大利亚、巴西等国家,足迹遍布全球59个国家和地区。

5G通信 :2023年,5G直接带动经济总产出达1.86万亿元。5G行业应用已融入国民经济97个大类中的67个。中国引领全球5G应用创新,在工业、采矿、电力、港口、医疗等行业实现规模复制,水利、建筑、纺织、海洋、低空等领域正加速推动5G应用探索。

机器 :我国机器人产业规模快速增长,稳居全球第一大工业机器人市场。珠三角地区的机器人产业以广州、深圳、东莞和佛山为核心,形成了辐射周边城市的产业集群。中国机器人产业在未来几年的发展潜力很大,尤其在智能制造、服务机器人、特种机器人行业等领域。

中国工业数个领域的迅速发展,能为EDA带来什么? 我们仅以目前全球EDA巨头美国Synopsys的市场变化举例,它是如何因中国工业崛起获益的——

《星船知造》在Statista等平台看到,在过去五年中,Synopsys 在中国的收入年均增速惊人。 见下图????

中国已是Synopsys的第二大市场:2023 年,Synopsys 从美国获得近 28 亿美元的收入。同年为公司贡献收入的其他地区包括欧洲(5.96 亿美元)、中国(8.86 亿美元)。Synopsys 在全球各个市场都占有重要地位,其净销售额分布如下:美国(47.7%)、中国(15.2%)、韩国(10.9%)、欧洲(10.2%)和其他地区(16%)。见下图????


目前中国工业崛起的红利是Synopsys吃到了, 但随着更多本土工业巨头的崛起,如华为海思、中芯国际等,都迫切需要更为紧密、安全的产业链协同,催生了对国产EDA的强烈需求


这一过程中,中国EDA企业的竞争力已经在不断增强 ????





最后我们看一下,当中国 云计算 企业培养起来后,能为EDA带来什么机遇。







Cloud computing-based EDA services can also update software versions in real time, ensuring that users always use the latest toolset, further shortening the chip design cycle. This is also a technological innovation for the chip design industry that pays attention to time and cost control.


24 years ago, SMIC laid its first pile in Zhangjiang, Shanghai. China Mobile Communications has just sat on the poker table. The largest telecom operators, mobile phone manufacturers, chip manufacturers, and equipment manufacturers are all in the United States and Europe. Huawei is still "rushing out of Guangdong".

In the next few years, when South Korea's Samsung has become familiar with the "counter-cyclical method" of losing money and investing more, we will still debate whether we should spend money on the chip field.

Today, some friends said that "domestic EDA is too rolled" and "Three Musketeers are already on the market, why can't we roll something that can be played?" But, is it really too complicated? Has it really been a long time?

my country's chip investment boom began in 2019 and has been five years now. That year, Huawei was banned from the superpower and included in the Entity List. In 5 years, the cypress tree grew 50 centimeters tall and the moon deviated 19 centimeters from the earth. 5 years is not a long time.

In some fields, "years" are enough to capture the market, but the EDA field cannot be matured quickly. But don’t forget that it is backed by an ecosystem built over many years – modern software is a duel between ecosystems. China’s ecological advantages lie in its complete industrial chain and collaboration system, its huge domestic demand market and the blessing of engineer bonuses. Both the demand and supply scale of integrated circuit talents in my country are expanding. In the integrated circuit talent market, the number of resumes submitted and the proportion of fresh graduates applying for jobs are increasing year by year.

Enduring loneliness in the chip field is not about shouting slogans. At this stage, active and passive exits, and the hot and cold investment waves and attention are all in the initial stage of the rollout. Its final fruits cannot be plucked by speculators.

We will win this "narrow gate of chips", it's just a matter of time.


[1] Shareholders Board Members Managers and Company Profile.Synopsys

[2] Synopsys revenue by region 2023 . Statista

[3] Vigorously develop industrial software. Military-civilian integration of network information

[4] Domestic EDA is easy to market but difficult to enter the battlefield. Matrix perspective

[5] "Vigorously develop industrial software" Ni Guangnan

[6] 40-year merger and acquisition history of foreign EDA industry chain, the path of merger, acquisition and reorganization of domestic EDA software manufacturers. Huang Letian

[7] Understand EDA: If you want to sell chips, keep the money to buy water. Guoke Hard Technology

[8] "Global EDA/IP Industry Market Research Report" Jiwei Consulting

[9] The United States took action against EDA and completely tore off the veil. Nanfeng Window

[10] Renmin University M&A and Investment Research: China’s EDA Industry Challenges and Global M&A Wave

[11] EDA, the mother of chips, is heading towards localization - Computer Industry Research Weekly Report. Shen Hong Kong Securities

[12] China’s EDA software industry market prospects and investment research report in 2023. China Business Institute

[13] Domestic leading EDA company announced: Ten million US dollars in mergers and acquisitions! 21st Century Economic Report

[14] "2023 Mainland China Integrated Circuit Industry Talent Supply and Demand Report"


The article is reprinted from the public account Xingchuan Zhizao. The original title is "The "Narrow Door" Involved in Chips". The content is for communication and learning purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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