OT0001 pyroelectric infrared remote control application circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:狂妄火龙果 Keywords: Infrared remote control application circuit pyroelectric infrared trigger Updated: 2020/06/08
This is the circuit diagram of a pyroelectric infrared remote control . The pyroelectric infrared sensor is a sensitive element, equipped with a filter lens and an impedance matching
field effect transistor. It can detect infrared radiation from the human body in a non-contact manner and convert it into an electrical signal for output.
The operational amplifier OPI amplifies the output signal of the pyroelectric infrared sensor in the first stage, and then couples it out of C3 to the operational amplifier (P2)
for second stage amplification, and then processes it through the bidirectional amplitude detector composed of voltage comparators COP1 and COP2. After that, the effective trigger signal U is detected to start
the delay timer, and the output signal V(, amplified by the transistor VT, drives the relay to connect the load. In the above figure, Rs is the photoresistor,
which is used to detect the ambient illumination. When used as lighting During control, if the environment is brighter, the resistance value of Ra will decrease, keeping the input of pin ◎ at a low level,
thus blocking the trigger signal Vs. Sl is the working mode selection switch. When Sl is connected to terminal 1, the chip is in an enabling state. Repeated triggering working mode; when
Sl is connected to terminal 2, the chip is in a non-repeatable triggering working mode. The output delay time TX is adjusted by the external wind and the size of G, and
the value is TX≈24576RaG; the trigger blocking time ri is determined by the external RlO and C6 resizing, the value is positive ≈ 24Rio C6.
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