Home > Audio/Video Circuits > TA7666,67 internal circuit and application circuit

TA7666,67 internal circuit and application circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:傻阿乐 Keywords: Application circuits light emitting diodes amplifiers transistors Updated: 2020/11/01

54.TA7666,67 internal circuit and <strong>application circuit</strong>.gif

It is a dual-channel five-segment display circuit composed of TA7666 (TA7667) and its internal circuit schematic diagram. The circuit
uses a power supply voltage range of 6 to 12V. The input signal is input from the inverting input terminals of the two amplifiers
. The gain of the amplifier can be adjusted by external resistors RF and Rs. The output terminal of the input amplifier is connected to an NPN transistor and is connected as an emitter
output, so the output terminal has rectifying and filtering functions after being connected to an external capacitor. There is a voltage stabilizing circuit inside the IC
to provide reference levels for comparators at all levels. The five voltage comparators of each channel are also connected with a transistor at the output end to form an
open-collector output, which is used to drive a five-digit LED display. The resistor in series with the LED is a current-limiting resistor, which can be
adjusted according to the characteristics of the LED . determine the current.




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