Home > Audio/Video Circuits > EMR4.0 application circuit

EMR4.0 application circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:念念Brown Keywords: Application circuit BSP power supply Updated: 2020/09/25

54.EMR4.0<strong>Application circuit</strong>.gif

EMR 4_0 is powered by a single power supply (6V~10V), and the best effect is when powered by 9V . The power supply is required to be filtered well and the noise
to be low. The LC has a quiescent current of 11 Ω when there is no signal
input.     The maximum input signal level allowed by Yanyan 4-0 is 1V. If it is too high, it will cause clipping. If it is too low, it will reduce the processing performance and
reduce the dynamic range. The gain of this circuit is 1, and its surround sound output needs to be connected to a buffer with a certain gain. amplifier. The circuit
should be connected before the volume and tone circuit in the application to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and reduce signal distortion. Figure 9-54 is
the application circuit of EMR 4.0.




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